Sree Bhagavan said:-
Arjuna! This immortal Yoga was taught by me to Vivasvan(Sun-God) who in turn, taught it to his son Manu and Manu taught it to his son Ikshvaku. Having been thus handed down by generations, this Yoga was known to the royal sages of yore.However, by the effluence of time this great Yoga was lost to the world.The same ancient Yoga which is, in fact, a great secret has now been imparted to you by Me because you are My devotee as well friend.(IV-1,2,3)
Arjuna said:-
You are of recent birth while Sun-God was born long ago. How am I to understand the statement that You had taught this Yoga in the beginning?(IV-4)
Sree Bhagavan said:-
Arjuna! You and I have had many births in the past ; I remember them all but you don't. Though birthless, deathless and Lord of all beings, I manifest Myself in this world through my own Maya(divine potency); retaining My Prakriti (essential nature) as basis. Whenever virtue subsides and vice prevails in the world I create a body for myself and come down to earth. I do this from age to age in order to protect the righteous, destroy the evil-doers, and to re-establish righteousness. He who understands the divine nature of My birth and work is not reborn after death, but comes to Me. (IV-5 to 9)
Many devotees, who have completely got rid of fear, lust and anger and taking refuge in Me with their minds fully absorbed in Me, have purified themselves with penance and wisdom have attained the state of identification with Me in the past.(IV-10)
With whatever wish a man worships Me, I grant him the same. This is My eternal law and all men follow this law in every step. Those who seek success in their worldly activities worship the gods for that purpose. This kind of material success can be gained very quickly on this earth.IV-11,12)
The division of men into four classes was made by Me on the basis of their innate qualities (guna) and the duties appropriate for each(karma) .Though I am said to be the author of this division, you must understand me as the Immortal Brahman, which is a non-doer. Therefore, no actions will bind Me and I have no craving for the fruits of any action. One who understands My reality in this manner will also not be bound by actions. The ancient seekers for liberation had performed their duties with this knowledge. You must also perform your duties in this spirit, following the footsteps of our forefathers.(IV-13,14,15)
What is action? What is inaction? Even the wise are puzzled by this question. Therefore, I shall first tell you what is action, on knowing which you will be freed from its evil influences.You must know the nature of work to be done,nature of work to be avoided and how to reach a state of calm detachment from all actions.Mysterious are the ways of action.(IV-16,17)
He who can see inaction in action and vice versa, he is the most intelligent among men and he alone can perform all actions with perfection. Arjuna, inaction does not mean desistance from work, but performing action without attachment and desire for result. For a person who begins all his actions without desire and concepts about their results, his actions are as though burnt away by the fire of knowledge. Enlightened ones call him wise. Because one who has forsaken attachment to his actions and results thereof, does not seek anything from this world , and is ever content, does not really do anything even when he is engaged in action. Again, he who has subdued his mind and intellect and performs action merely by the body without desire for enjoying any worldly pleasures or acquiring any worldly possessions, does not incur sin as a result of his action.He who is contented with what he gets by chance , is not worried about opposite experiences like pleasure and pain, loss and gain etc., has no quarrel with any one, and is equally poised in success and failure; his actions do not bind him. For a person who is free from all attachments and his mind is established in the Supreme Knowledge, all his actions are sacrifice and they melt away immediately without leaving any trail . (IV-18,19,20,21,22,23)
For a person who performs every action as a sacrifice, there is nothing but the Supreme Brahman.The performer himself, absorbed in Brahman is Brahman ; the sacrificial fire is Brahman; the objects which are offered as oblation into the sacrificial fire are Brahman; the ladle used for pouring the oblations into the fire is Brahman; the act of offering oblations into the fire is Brahman; and finally the fruit of the sacrificial action also is Brahman. (IV-24)
Other yogis offer sacrifice by worshipping different forms of God.Some others perform sacrifice by offering their own inner self into the fire of Brahman by meditating on the identity of self with supreme Brahman.There are some other yogis who offer their hearing and other senses as sacrifice into the fire of self discipline, by exercising restraint over the senses. Some others offer all the objects of perception as sacrifice into the fire of senses, by not responding to the external stimuli from those objects.Yet other yogis sacrifice all the functions of their and those of the vital forces into the fire of self-control, kindled by the Knowledge of the Self. Some others offer material possessions; some of them practise Yoga as a sacrifice ;and some others striving for self realisation observe austere vows and perform sacrifice in the form of study of the scriptures.(IV-25,26,27,28)
Other yogis offer sacrifice by worshipping different forms of God.Some others perform sacrifice by offering their own inner self into the fire of Brahman by meditating on the identity of self with supreme Brahman.There are some other yogis who offer their hearing and other senses as sacrifice into the fire of self discipline, by exercising restraint over the senses. Some others offer all the objects of perception as sacrifice into the fire of senses, by not responding to the external stimuli from those objects.Yet other yogis sacrifice all the functions of their and those of the vital forces into the fire of self-control, kindled by the Knowledge of the Self. Some others offer material possessions; some of them practise Yoga as a sacrifice ;and some others striving for self realisation observe austere vows and perform sacrifice in the form of study of the scriptures.(IV-25,26,27,28)
Others are intent on controlling the vital energy; so they practise breathing exercises-inhalation and exhalation, and stoppage of breath. Others weaken their body and senses by regulated diet and thus achieve self-control.All these understand the meaning of sacrificial worship and their sins are consumed away by the sacrifice they perform.(IV-29,30)
Oh! Son of Kurus!The ultimate result of all these sacrifices is the nectar of God-realisation. Those who partake of this nectar reach the eternal Brahman. Others who do not perform sacrifice cannot be happy even in this world; then how can they expect anything from the other. (IV-31)
All these and many other form of worships through sacrifice have been prescribed in the Vedas.All of them involve some kind of action to be preformed.When you understand them fully, you will be freed from all bondage of action.Among them form of worship performed with Knowledge of the Supreme Self is superior to worship performed with material offerings ; because the ultimate end of all actions is attaining that Knowledge (IV-32,33)
That knowledge, you must learn from those who have realised it. They will instruct you when you prostrate at their feet, render them service and ask questions to them with eagerness to know the truth. Arjuna! when you have achieved this Knowledge, you will no longer have this delusion which puzzles you now, and by the same Knowledge you will see the entire creation within yourself at first and then in Me. Even if you happen to be most sinful of all sinners, this Knowledge will cross you like a raft, across the ocean of sins .(IV-34,35,36)
Arjuna! The Fire of Knowledge burns away all actions, just in the same manner as a blazing fire burns all fuel int ashes.In fact there is no greater purifier than Knowledge. He who has mastered this Yoga by long practice will, in due course, realise the Truth of the Self within himself.And of course, a man of faith, totally devoted to the purpose, with his senses kept under control will at once experience this Knowledge and lasting peace associated with it. On the other hand, an man who is totally deluded, has no faith but only doubts in this matter is lost for ever. A doubting soul will have neither world nor the other world nor happiness anywhere.(IV-37,38,39,40)
Arjuna! Actions do not bind a person who has dedicated all his actions to God in Karma Yoga; who has all his doubts destroyed in the fire of Knowledge and is self-possessed.There fore, Oh! Son of Bharata! Wield the sword of Knowledge and slash into pieces the ignorance-born doubts lingering in your heart; then establish yourself in Karma Yoga and stand up to fight.( IV-41,42)
Thus ends the Fourth Chapter of Sreemad Bhagavad Gita
The Yoga of Renunciation of Action Through Knowledge.
All these and many other form of worships through sacrifice have been prescribed in the Vedas.All of them involve some kind of action to be preformed.When you understand them fully, you will be freed from all bondage of action.Among them form of worship performed with Knowledge of the Supreme Self is superior to worship performed with material offerings ; because the ultimate end of all actions is attaining that Knowledge (IV-32,33)
That knowledge, you must learn from those who have realised it. They will instruct you when you prostrate at their feet, render them service and ask questions to them with eagerness to know the truth. Arjuna! when you have achieved this Knowledge, you will no longer have this delusion which puzzles you now, and by the same Knowledge you will see the entire creation within yourself at first and then in Me. Even if you happen to be most sinful of all sinners, this Knowledge will cross you like a raft, across the ocean of sins .(IV-34,35,36)
Arjuna! The Fire of Knowledge burns away all actions, just in the same manner as a blazing fire burns all fuel int ashes.In fact there is no greater purifier than Knowledge. He who has mastered this Yoga by long practice will, in due course, realise the Truth of the Self within himself.And of course, a man of faith, totally devoted to the purpose, with his senses kept under control will at once experience this Knowledge and lasting peace associated with it. On the other hand, an man who is totally deluded, has no faith but only doubts in this matter is lost for ever. A doubting soul will have neither world nor the other world nor happiness anywhere.(IV-37,38,39,40)
Arjuna! Actions do not bind a person who has dedicated all his actions to God in Karma Yoga; who has all his doubts destroyed in the fire of Knowledge and is self-possessed.There fore, Oh! Son of Bharata! Wield the sword of Knowledge and slash into pieces the ignorance-born doubts lingering in your heart; then establish yourself in Karma Yoga and stand up to fight.( IV-41,42)
Thus ends the Fourth Chapter of Sreemad Bhagavad Gita
The Yoga of Renunciation of Action Through Knowledge.