My Master -Sadguru Swami Abhedanandaji Maharaj

My Master -Sadguru Swami Abhedanandaji Maharaj
ശ്രീ അഭേദ പദാംഭോജം ഭാവയാമി ഹൃദന്തരെ ഭവതാപ വിനാശായ പാവനം പാപ മോചനം

Thursday, 14 June 2012


       Mantra has to be chanted with utmost faith and concentration. It should be uttered with a love that comes from the innermost realms of our mind. Whenever we happen to remain without remembering God and chanting His names, we should feel the pain of His long separation from us.Being the child of God, love of God should become natural to us.We must always remember that God alone is what really exists (Sat) and all the rest of the world are non-existent, unreal, impermanent and ever-changing (Asat). 
       When we utter the Names of God, we must necessarily feel the presence of God within us.Our life becomes fit to live only because of the love and mercy that God has bestowed on us.We should put all our efforts to keep the doors of our hearts open to welcome God and to realize the Self within us. God is waiting for this.Shouldn't we open that door to welcome our most beloved one? Are you searching for the key? Don't worry. It is within you, between your lips. Yes, the sweet Names of the Lord and nothing else is that key.Start chanting the Lord's Divine Names.The door will automatically be opened  and the Lord will enter into your being. His blessings will always be with you.Let us start chanting now:-
                           HARE RAMA HARE RAMA RAMA RAMA HARE HARE

Tuesday, 12 June 2012


Matha Amritanandamayi Devi says:-
     A physically blind person , cannot see anything and so he seeks help from others.There are people who are spiritually blind, but they do not either realise their blindness or accept it.That is why some people , even though  spiritually inclined do not seek the guidance of a Guru.
      Is there any field where you can achieve everything without the help of  some one who has experience in that field?Only an experienced driver can teach you driving. A child learns everything first from its home and thereafter from school. Even a thief needs the help of an experienced thief to pick up the tricks of robbery. Thus guidance is absolutely necessary in every walk of  human life.How then can it be dispensed with in the spiritual path which is extremely subtle and hard to pursue by a novice?
     You cannot tread through an unknown land and reach your place of destination merely by studying the map of that place.In such a situation you need the help of a person who knows the ups and downs of the place and the different roads that will lead you to your destination. He will be able to impart first hand information from his own experience.
     The spiritual path is also like that.It is a totally unknown land for ordinary seekers.You may have acquired some bookish knowledge from the study of scriptural texts. But that alone will not be sufficient to tread the path to the Ultimate Reality, because your understanding of the texts itself might be incomplete . The guidance of a Sad Guru, who has himself realised the TRUTH is therefore absolutely  essential to  lead you to the final goal.