My Master -Sadguru Swami Abhedanandaji Maharaj

My Master -Sadguru Swami Abhedanandaji Maharaj
ശ്രീ അഭേദ പദാംഭോജം ഭാവയാമി ഹൃദന്തരെ ഭവതാപ വിനാശായ പാവനം പാപ മോചനം

Friday, 27 October 2017


Swami Vivekananda has said that the great secret of true success is this: the man who asks for no return from his work,  the perfectly unselfish worker, he is the most successful man on earth. It would seem to be a paradox. But it is true.We happen to see that unselfish men often get cheated or even get hurt by others. That is their success and not failure. Christ was unselfish; yet he was crucified. We know that his unselfishness  had been the reason for his great success --the true success that crowned millions  of lives with its blessings.
Giving is strength and receiving is weakness. So give whatever you can.  Want nothing, ask nothing in return. What is due to you, will come back to you in several multiples. But do not think of it now. Your attention should be on what you are giving and give it fully with love and care. Giving is love and asking or desiring anything in return is opposite of love; it is mere trading. In trading there is chance for both success and failure. So let us cease to be traders  and be lovers. Love every fellow- being with all our heart, giving them as much as possible and expecting nothing in return.
We may think that in order to give some thing we have to be rich in material wealth. It is not so. A man who has no material wealth in his possession can help some one in distress by giving a helping hand, or a smiling face. We can give solace to an ailing person with consoling words and personal care. If we have money, we can help the poor and needy with that money. In Sreemad Bhagavad Gita Sree Bhagavan has said:
Dataviamiti yaddaanam deeyathe anupakaarine,
Dese kale cha paathre cha thaddaanam sathwikam smritham .(Gita17-20)
(That gift which is given with the conviction that  it is one's duty to give, at the proper place , at the proper  time and to the  proper(needy) person from whom no return is expected, is considered  as Sathwika Daanam.)
Danam is considered to be the best way for humans to achieve fulfilment of life.Once Devas, Asuras and Humans went to Lord Brahma Deva and asked him for advice to achieve fulfilment .The Lord uttered only one syllable 'Da' in reply to their query. He asked each group if they have understood what He had said. The Devas said:-''We understand that since we are  people engaged very much in sensual pleasures, we should practice 'Dama'( control over the mind and senses) in order to achieve salvation.''  Brahma said they have understood it correctly. Then the Asuras said:-''We understand that we are very cruel people and therefore we need to practice 'Daya' (mercy towards all beings) in order to achieve life's goal. Brahma told them that they were correct in   their understanding of His word.When the turn for Humans came they said:- 'We are very selfish people and so it is necessary for us to practice 'Danam' (Gift) for attaining liberation.''. Brahma approved their interpretation also as correct. Thus  Danam is the most effective way for humans to achieve the final goal of life--that is God-realization. The true success of life is nothing else.
It may, however,  be understood here, that Devas and Asuras  are not separate categories of people living in  far off worlds .They are living in this same world. We can most often see the characteristics of Devas namely,sensuousness , in a person. At times he may evince the character of an Asura. Most of the time he will be a Human in his behaviour. That is to say a Deva, an Asura and a Human are dwelling in the same person as different characteristics. It is ,therefore, our first and foremost duty to ourselves  to become purely humans after shedding off the characteristics of Devas and Asuras inherent in our nature by practising Dama and Daya. Then we must strive to reach our goal through the path of 'Danam' prescribed by Lord Brahma ,
The Success in life means successfully reaching the ultimate goal of self realisation.  Our ancient masters have told us that selfless service or Nishkama Karmayoga will take us to this goal. Let us pursue this path as best as possible. The Lord will come down in the form of a Sadguru  and help us in our efforts,
                                           MAY GOD BLESS ALL

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