Jaya Manthram(Durga Sthothram)
1) Namasthe Sidhasenaanii Aarye Mandaravaasini
Kumaari Kaali Kaapaalii Kapile Krshnapingale
(2)Bhadrakaali namasthubhyam Mahaa kaali namosthuthe
Chandi chande namasthubhyam Thaarini Varavarnini
(3)Kaathyaayani Mahaabhaage Karaali Vijaye Jaye
Shikhipichhadhwajadhare Naanaabharanabhooshithe
(4)Attashoolapraharane Khadgakhetakadhaarini
Gopendrasyaanuje Jyeshthe Nandagopakulodbhave
(5)Mahishaasrkpriye nithyam Kaushiki Peethavaasini
Attahaase Kokamukhe namasthesthu Ranapriye
SREE DURGA DEVI (6)Ume Shaakambhri Shwethe Krshne Kaidabhanaashini
Hiranyaakshi Viroopaakshi Sudhoomraakshi namosthuthe
(7)Vedshruthi mahaa punye Brahmanye Jaathavedasi
Jamboo kataka chaithyeshu nithyam sannihithaalaye
(8)Thwam Brahmavidyaa vidyaanaam Mahaa nidraa cha dehinaam
Skandamathar Bhagavathi Durge Kaanthaaravaasini
(9)Swaahaakaara Sവാധാ chaiva Kalaa Kaashtthaa Saraswathi
Saavithri Vedamaathaa cha thathaa Vedaantha uchyathe
(10)Sthuthaasi thwam Mahaa Devi vishudhenaanthraathmanaa
Jayo bhavathu me nithyam thwath prasaad ranaajire
(11)Kaanthaara bhaya durgeshu bhakthaanaamaalayeshu cha
Nithyam vasathi paathaale yuddhe jayasi daanavaan
(12)Thwam Jrmbhinii Mohinii cha Maaya Hree Shree sthathaiva cha
Sandhyaa Prabhaavathii chaiva Saavithrii Jananee thathaa
(13)Thushti: Pushtir Dhrthir Deepthi shChandraadithya vivardhini
Bhoothir Bhoothimathaam samkhye veekshyase sidhachaaranai:
This Sthothram is said to be the fore-runner of BhagavadGita.Before starting the war at Kurukshetra Lord Krishna asked Arjuna to worship Sree DurgaDevi, reciting this Sthothra 21 times and on completion of the worship, Devi appeared before Arjuna and gave Her blessings for victory in the war.On victory being assured , Arjuna became nervous about the inevitable killing of his kinsmen standing arrayed on the opposite side of the war front. Arjuna was stricken with grief on perceiving the prospect of the war -the grief of the victor and not the vanquished.
Lord Krishna had to revive Arjuna by the counsel imparted through Bhagavad Gita.
It is believed that worship of Sree Durga Devi, chanting this Manthra 21 times,will bring prosperity ifArchan is performed with white flowers ,and victory over enemies if Archana is performed with red flowers.
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