The entire edifice of Indian philosophical thought ,known as ''Sanaathana Dharma''(the perennial philosophy) is built upon the firm foundation of the Vedas( primeval knowledge).At the core of the perennial philosophy we can find four fundamental doctrines,namely:-
(1) The entire phenomenal world - the perceptible universe (Drshya Prapancham),- with all its diversities ,comprising every animate and inanimate object of creation, is only the manifestation of ONE single Divine Ground , known as BRAHMAN, and apart from that they are all nonexistent.
(2) Human beings can , not only acquire a knowledge about this Divine Ground by study of scriptures , observation ,reasoning and inference; but can also realise its existence by a direct communion with it through contemplation and meditation.
(3) Man possesses a double nature, of which , one is a phenomenal ego confined to the body, mind and intellect and the other is a higher Ego which is the Eternal Self, surpassing the limitations of all earthly concepts of self-identification.It is possible for man through spiritual practice and Divine Grace (Guru's Blessings) to realise his identity with the Supreme Eternal Self , the Brahman.
(4) Man's life on earth has only one end and purpose; and that is to realise his identity with the Eternal Self and thus attain the undivided, unitive knowledge of the Divine Ground -Brahman.
The language of the Vedic literature (including the Upanishads, Ithihasas, and Puranas) is intrinsically deep and having hidden meanings, so that the ordinary man of today cannot easily read and understand the Vedic injunctions in their correct perspective. On the other hand they have also been mis-understood and misused to a very large extent , over the ages.
This is where Gita comes to the rescue of mankind.Gita provides the essence of all Vedas, and Upanishads in a compact , easily understandable and practicable language and style. That is why Gita is known as "Sarva Shaasthramayi" .It is a reliable and authentic text-book for the spiritual seeker to achieve the ultimate goal of God-realisation, without running away from the daily life of the common man, living a successful life as a member of the society, performing all his duties and discharging all his responsibilities to himself, to his family and to the society in which he is living. Gita is not restricted to any particular religion, class or creed; but is open to the entire humanity everywhere in the world. Gita has only one religion,one class and one creed and that is the religion,class and creed of God, the all-pervading ultimate reality.
The preceptor of Gita is God Himself from whom emanted all the Vedas .The entire ambit of Vedic Knowledge was revealed by God to the great Rishis of the yore in their meditations and was passed on to the world through their disciples and progenies . Having been told directly by God Himself, Gita has the same authority as , if not more than, the Vedas themselves. Man's duty is to learn Gita in the proper spirit and bring every word of it into actual practice in his life.Then there is no need for an elaborate study of other "Shaastras"-spiritual literature. MaharshiVedaVyasa , the composer of Mahaabhaaratha, in which Gita is embodied, has declared : ''Gitaa sugeethaa karthavyaa, kimanyai saasthra vistharai, yaa swayam Padmanaabhasya mukhapadmaad vinisrthaa.'' This itself shows the unique place of Gita in the Indian philosophical thought.
(to be continued)
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